About me

Sajid Amit

Sajid Amit is a leading academic and development sector strategist and practitioner. Educated at Dartmouth College, SOAS-University of London, and Columbia University, he currently wears multiple hats as an Associate Professor at ULAB; Director, CES and EMBA program. He has his own business interests and investments in multiple organizations while also serving in regional roles in leading international development organizations.

He has more than seventeen years of experience in distinct sectors: international development, investment banking, management consulting, academia, and market research.

He was a Director at BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited where at the age of twenty-nine he was the youngest Director at a BRAC company. At BRAC EPL, he managed a portfolio of US$ 250 million, mostly those of foreign institutional investors such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Deutsche Bank amongst others.

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About me

Sajid Amit

Sajid Amit is a leading academic and development sector strategist and practitioner. Educated at Dartmouth College, SOAS-University of London, and Columbia University, he currently wears multiple hats as an Associate Professor at ULAB; Director, CES and EMBA program. He has his own business interests and investments in multiple organizations while also serving in regional roles in leading international development organizations.

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Financial Inclusion, Fintech, and Financial Literacy
Investment Advisory for Foreign Investors
Entrepreneurship, social enterprise and startups
Promotion of Diversity, Tolerance and Pluralism
Youth, Skill development and technology
Social Media Literacy


Financial Inclusion, Fintech, and Financial Literacy
Investment Advisory for Foreign Investors
Entrepreneurship, social enterprise and startups
Promotion of Diversity, Tolerance and Pluralism
Youth, Skill development and technology
Social Media Literacy

From My Blog

What is the Best Type of Financial Advisor?

What is the best type of financial advisor for you? If you are someone looking to invest or manage your finances more effectively, this is a question you have asked yourself. There are various types of financial advisors, each with their own specialties. Figuring out which one works best for you is important. Because once

What is the Difference Between FII And QFI? Find Out Now

Understanding global investments involves grasping concepts like Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) and Qualified Foreign Investors (QFI). “What is the difference between FII and QFI?” is a fundamental question for anyone navigating international financial markets. FIIs are institutional players, including mutual funds and pension funds, while QFIs are individual investors meeting specific criteria. The distinctions in

Assessing Your Early Retirement Affordability

Retirement, once something many people dreaded, has now become something everyone welcomes. But how you spend your retirement is something not many people consider. Well, you should because if you don’t, it will come and bite you. One thing that you need to consider is your early retirement affordability. Can you afford to retire early?

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